
Youth Advocate for environmental justice

Although she was born and raised in the Eastern Bay Area for her first few years of life, Eden (she/her/hers) grew up in Stockton for the past 16 years. Having moved around the city frequently as a child, she has personally seen how the conditions of the environment negatively affected her and her peers, particularly in the Southside where she spent most of her time living in the area. Today, she is a student at the University of California, Santa Barbara pursuing a major in History of Public Policy & Law and plans on double majoring in Chicanx Studies. While she has taken an intro to environmental studies course at her university and attended environmental justice workshops hosted by Fathers & Families of San Joaquin, Eden still considers herself as a learner before anything. Regardless, she is passionate about her city and is willing to help lay and preserve the foundations for a happier, healthier tomorrow any way she can. Eden’s hobbies include cooking, reading, experimenting with makeup, watching horror movies and documentaries, taking naps, and making playlists she’ll never go back and listen too. Though, she would like to get into crocheting, knitting, sewing, and roller skating someday. So far, Eden hopes to become a Chicanx Studies teacher preferably here in Stockton.